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tv   KTVU 6 O Clock News  FOX  March 2, 2011 6:00pm-6:30pm PST

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are facing. >> about 100 san francisco state teachers rallied about governor brown's 1.4 billion- dollar cut in higher education and san francisco state stands to lose up to $32 million. >> this is the first time in a half of century that we are telling students that you have worked all of this time and we are going to tell you no because of money reasons. >> reporter: the cuts mean more delayed education because fewer classes will be available. >> in the beginning of the year there's usually about 40 to 50 to 100 kids more than there is seating in the classroom so people are falling out of the hallways and fighting for a seat. >> reporter: the cuts are being shared equally on campus. >> there are people higher up in management that are getting nice salaries and paychecks and they are not taking cuts but we are taking the cuts and the teachers are.
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>> we stand together with our students and our faculty and everyone here on campus in say that more funds and more support for true assessable affordable higher education in california is important. >> reporter: protesters marched through the city college of campus ocean campus this afternoon to rally with other students struggling with higher fees and fewer choices. >> you get more students frustrated and you just may have more students dropping out. >> reporter: a town hall forum on the education crisis is set for 7:00 tonight on the mission campus of city college of san francisco. reporting live in san francisco, david stevenson. ktvu news. we sent our cameras to another rally today at uc berkeley. >> demonstrators collected signatures on a petition protesting the education cuts. some were students at oakland high school who ignored pleas from students and walked out to
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attend the rally. >> and a rally in san jose where there was anger over the education system. organizers urged that dozens of demonstrators at st. james park to march on the capital on march 14th. 425 educators that work for the san francisco school district could be out of a job. the district voted last night to send preliminary layoff notices to 140 teachers and 139 administrators and 114 teacher aids and 100 early development teachers. they had to do this in case there are not tax extensions. there's a vote on the school ballot, if passed they can raise the members pay up to $25,000 a year.
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accusations of police misconduct and illegal searches and lying under oath are flying in san francisco tonight. christian cap has more with a video that the public defenders says prove it and the police spoke a couple minutes ago. christian. >> reporter: two felony drug arrests have been thrown out as a result the video and this has had the hall of justice buzzing. in the last half hour current interim police chief confirmed that san francisco police are investigating the police and in just the last hour we got a response from district attorney george gaston. the video is so damming, one officer tried to hide what he and his fellow officers were doing. the police officers illegal's searched the suspect's home and lied about it under oath and it happened after george gaston's watch. his office is launching an investigation. >> police officers and
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prosecutors need to play by the rules and when we do not play the rules the whole system crumbles, i am most concerned with our people playing by the rules. >> reporter: the police are digging into the case. >> we have the information and we are going to do an investigation and see what happened in this case. >> reporter: but the public defender's office is calling for an external investigation. >> if you have the district attorney in an position to decide whether or not to prosecute police officers and he was in fact in charge of these police officers at the time it creates an obvious conflict of interest. >> reporter: the public defenders say the video shows the officers using a master key to enter the suspect's home and getting permission after the fact. then the officers are alleged to have lied in the reports and at least one case on the stand. >> if this was their pattern of practice clearly there is something wrong and goes to the very heart of the criminal
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justice system. >> reporter: now we learned from interim police chief godown that the 6 officers involved will be placed on administrative leave within the next 24 hours and live in san francisco, christian captain, ktvu channel 2 news. a former narcotics task form commander pleaded not guilty to conspiring to sell drugs seized in raise. prosecutors say norman welch seen here in a bail hearing had the help of 49-year-old chris butler. butler, a private investigator also pleaded not guilty today. sheriff's deputies are standing guard as federal agents search for evidence as two bay area card clubs. the fbi stormed in san bruno in the predawn hours and also in emeryville. agents won't say what prompted the raid which involved the dea and the irs and other agencies. customers at the oak's club said they were questioned about money laundering and drug dealing. the search continues for a
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possibly armed teenager that caused schools in albany to be locked down today. the lock down went into effect after 11:00 this morning and lasted for two hours. it came after police received reports that a runaway teen was in the albany area. the 16-year-old boy's father says a handgun and ammunition were taken from his home at the time his son ran away. the lock down was a precautionary measure. a teacher has been removed from the classroom as a call for help from a students. new at 6:00, ktvu in atherto n. >> reporter: ktvu has obtained the 911 recordings that sent police officers scrambling to the campus. the math teacher has no prior complaints is on administrative leave after an 8th grader call 911 and says the teacher had
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become violent. after 2:30, a female student left the classroom and called 911. >> they were doing things and screaming at us. going crazy. >> reporter: the girl was hiding in a bathroom stall when she called 911. >> it is 4:15 and at this school, room 505, apparently the teacher is throwing things and students are hiding in the bathroom. >> reporter: several police officers quickly arrived. >> when we got there we found a calm classroom and calm students and at that time a calm teacher. >> reporter: after interviewing witnesses the teacher had slammed the table down to get the students' attention but don believe a crime had been committed.
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the teacher identified as john hanes was placed on paid administrative leave pending the outcome of a school district investigation. >> when when you have a situation where a student makes an allegation that they feel threatened then we feel a strong obligation to investigate what are the actual facts of the case. >> reporter: now the superintendent also wanted to stress that being put on paid administrative leave is not disciplinary action. they are going to investigate the case and that teacher could be back on the job as early as next week. this case has garnered national attention and has been all over the internet. a south bay man that discovered a secret gps device on his car is suing the fbi for violating his constitutional rights. the device was discovered under 20-year-old yaser afiffi's car in sinclairra. he announced a lawsuit in
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washington d.c. the group council on american islamic relations is helping him file the suit. >> i have done nothing wrong. maybe i fit a profile due to my age and my religion. >> afiffi has never been told why he was targeted. the fbi says it believes it followed the policy proceedings to install the gps. in washington d.c. public awareness campaign took a hit. day two of hearings in the san bruno pipeline disaster. it was revealed that there was 15,000 post cards sent out asking if they knew they had transmission lines in their communities. the company only received 20 replies. we have problems of people being aware of what is going on around them. >> it caused us to step back and to really ask the question,
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you know, what are we doing wrong. >> a san bruno fire chief testified that he had no idea there was an underground pipeline until the deadly explosion. the chief did acknowledge his department hadn't used federal website that provides first responders with maps of gas lines. and ktvu has updates from inside the hearing and will have live feed of the final day. click on the gas line explosion tab. a food supplier from tracy's recall of 64,000 food products. tayler farms is recalling dishes with chicken and pork because brock could lee was contaminated. it is 34p013oest430 on them. they were made between february 6th and the 23rd and shipped to
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four states including california. a new initiative to improve healthcare. blue shield and five other health care providers are joining forces on two new care initiatives to streamline care and keep premiums affordable. premiums will not increase for the next 12 months. accountable care is part of president obama health care plan. merchants were asked to keep children in school today. lee was joined by attorney george gaston and supervisor milla kohen. they want to support the city's effort to tackle truancy. the mayor spoke with merchants about looking for students that should be in school and encouraging them to return to class. a political fire storm is going around a south bay school play. the protest of military funerals and that same controversial church is planning a protest at this south bay high school and we will tell you why and when it
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can happen. on the job. why apple ceo just couldn't stay away from today's big announcement. and live storm tracker 2 showing showers in the area. they will stick around.
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the supreme court ruled on behalf of a church that protested against soldiers killed in action. they said they were exercising their 1st amend rights. the church says it puts a mega phone to their message. the church is expected to
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protest the students' upcoming project. that megaphone could be focused at gunnery son high, the opening curtain goes up that the church plans to protest friday. >> reporter: gunnery's high school's class takes place tonight. >> i play a limousine driver, a person for gay rights action. i have to play both sides. >> reporter: posters are up for the community's action in liramie wyoming following the murder of matthew shepherd a gay student. >> it talks about what they are going through. >> reporter: the idea came up in the fall after national headlines about teen suicides. >> i was concerned about that and i wanted to address it and i thought that i have kind of had the plan in the back of my mind and i thought this was perfect timeing to bring it up.
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>> reporter: the dialogue had the church spoke about the tolerance of this on their website. >> the coverage has increased. >> reporter: some of the protests don't materialize, counter protest signs are ready to go at the community center with messages like i love my haters and god is love and love does not discriminate. >> it is to get people to realize that there is people out there that think he is wrong than believe in him and believe in the message of hate that he is preaching. >> reporter: the school has taken calls from parents against the play but has received more support from neighboring schools. the controversy has been good for ticket sales. friday night is sold out already. this lesson in drama has turned into a lesson in first amendment rights. governor jerry brown put his words into writing and
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release add draft bill for a ballot to extend taxes. governor brown wants voters to extend the sales income and vehicle licensing taxes. the criticism is already flowing. republicans say the name public safety and public education act of 2011 is misleading. >> if governor brown were really sincere about checking in with the voters first, then why is he hiding his tax increase behind his false label. you might as well call it the happy days are here again free pony act. >> the bill outlines the governor's realignment program. a pilot program in san francisco is here to stay. transit officials have voted unanimously to permanently force eastbound traffic to turn right at 6th and 10th street. the vehicles are diverted to mission or folsom streets the goal is to improve traffic conditions and make the streets
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safer for bicycles and pedestrian. regular visitors to so knowma parks will pay more president the county voted to increase the park membership by 30%. starting april 1st, the pass will go from 69 dollars per vehicle instead of the current 65. a golden year's pass will cost $39 up from 30 and a day pass is at six dollars. rain made a mess on bay area roads. the chp said the driver of this car was going too fast when she spun out on a car in san rafael and hit a wall and ended up her roof. the driver and passenger were taken to the hospital with neck and back pain. we have been tracking the weather. what are we looking at, bill. >> that was the heaviest last night and this morning. now there are nuisance showers on our afternoon commute. i got radar in davis and santa cruz mountains, you can see the
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radar sweep and what we are seeing is what we have seen most of the day. the light scattered showers that will continue to linger into the bay area forecast tonight and into tomorrow morning. we will see less and less and showers in the forecast. tonight sprinkles as you travel about and tomorrow morning wet on the roadways but mostly a dry commute from the sky. the ground will be wet and it won't dry off that much and the weekend, the story is saturday night and sunday, a pretty good size weather system gets in here and in the overnight 30s and 40s indicative of the air mass, a warm air mass and continues as the dynamics are week, the low pressure and the storm. what this is, is moisture moving in behind the front and continuing to bring out drizzle and moisture out of this moist atmosphere. and maybe sprinkles and for friday, that's the best day, high pressure sets in and the
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north flow goes moist and sunday looks wet. saturday night you will see increasing clouds and thunderstorm activity and sunday it looks like the real deal, probably some wind advisories and winter storm activity in the mountains and maybe even snow in bay area peaks but a nice looking weather system and saturday night into sunday. more upto date, scattered showers on the coast and drizzle and the mountains activity up there. we get into tomorrow morning's commute, sprinkles in the area and that's why the chance of showers, tomorrow morning and rapid clearing. tomorrow a transition day to friday which will be a heck of a nice day. the forecast highs tomorrow on the mild side. some moist warm air mass that is pushing in. and that will keep temperatures in the low 60s. your five-day forecast is light this, kind of unsettled and wet and the weekend in view.
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you have your sunday storm. i think julie and frank looks like a pretty good size. it will shut down the sunday plans. >> thanks, bill. steve jobs received a standing ovation as he returned to the stage for a special unveiling. we have been working on this product for a while and i didn't want to miss today. thank you. apple ceo who has been on medical leave was on hand in san francisco to introduce the new i pad 2. apple says it is up to nine times faster than the previous version and is thinner and comes with two cameras for taking photos and video chatting and talks the same as the original and hits the store on march 11. wall street has small gains. crude oil futures health a high of $117 a barrel and then back down. the dow gained almost nine points at the closing bell and the nasdaq rose ten-and-a-half.
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after hours being released from jail, cocoa crisp was back on the feel for spring training. what troubles faces the oakland
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an oakland a's outfielder was arrested. cocoa crisp was taken into custody on suspicion of drunk driving, he was released and took place in drills against the cleveland indians. joe is in and there's talk about barry zitto. >> we will talk spring baseball and what was an uneventful giants camp got interesting. bruce jenkins sited a source that says they are running out of patience with barry zitto and talking about buying out his contract. zito met with manager bruce botchi that says he knew nothing of the story. zitto says he was most upset about a portion of the report that says his work ethic and physical readiness has slipped. zito plans to be part of the giants rotation and doesn't want to be traded or cut loose.
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diamond backs play tonight. mark ellis had a pair of hits and 7 oakland pitchers combined for the win. the warriers on a 7 game road strip, itto getting a start in washington. warriers up three in the final seconds and make it nine as curry hits a three with a tenth of a second left. and some nice flash in the 3rd quarter and howard will lose the ball and curry passes the ball to jerome rice who then plays a two man game with monte ellis and in the 4th quarter with less than five minutes to play. the warriers are up by seven. serena williams is recovering from a serious mel scare. williams has been battling complications from an injury in july when she stepped on broken glass at a restaurant. she suffered from a pulmonary embolism, a blood clot that traveled to her lungs and had to be treated for a hematomaa for the accumulation of the
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blood. she hopes to be playing tennis early this summer. see you tonight at 10:00. that's scary. >> yes. joe, thank you. the search is up for a new top cop. coming up on news at 7:00 with the deadline about two weeks away the police commissioners are meeting to discuss a new chief and some are saying whether it is a fair search. see why on tv 36 and that is our news for now. good night.
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